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Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy | Fri, 22 Sep 23 |
Interesting article from Mozilla Foundation:
It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy Tesla is only the second product we have ever reviewed to receive all of our privacy “dings.” (The first was an AI chatbot we reviewed earlier this year.) What set them apart was earning the “untrustworthy AI” ding. The brand’s AI-powered autopilot was reportedly involved in 17 deaths and 736 crashes and is currently the subject of multiple government investigations. Nissan earned its second-to-last spot for collecting some of the creepiest categories of data we have ever seen. It’s worth reading the review in full, but you should know it includes your “sexual activity.” Not to be out done, Kia also mentions they can collect information about your “sex life” in their privacy policy. Oh, and six car companies say they can collect your “genetic information” or “genetic characteristics.” Yes, reading car privacy policies is a scary endeavor Is this legal? Consumer awareness missing. |
il Web è cambiato dai tempi di Mosaic | Sat, 3 Sep 22 |
"Speriamo inoltre di far cosa gradita a voi ed utile ai vostri
sostenitori nel informarvi che il Web è cambiato dai tempi di Mosaic." LOL |
How to get a video recording remotely from IP door bell TMEZON | Sat, 6 Aug 22 |
This guide is valid for TMEZON IP door bell solutions using the official app uCareHome under Android (actually I am using Sailfish OS but should be the same).
The recording are stored locally on microSD card on the display/recorder, and can be viewed remotely from the app. From uCareHome app, search your video stored on the remote microSD using "Event on Device" window, then on the playback press the record button. This recording copy is then available in the app under "Media -> Local file". Sadly, the interface is very limited and you cannot share or save the video as a file. These local files are store on your phone under: android_storage/langtao/file/ACCOUNTEMAIL/CAMERANAME/The CAMERANAME is something like uc17xxxxxx. Under this folder are stored image in PNG format and video recording as raw H.264 stream files. For example, a video stream file has the name: uc17b340e4_20220805082606.BareStreamThe date in the file name is the same as the one you find in the app. Copy the stream file to a PC with GNU/Linux and ffmpeg program (usually already installed). Convert the H.264 stream to a standard MPEG4 video file using the command: ffmpeg -framerate 24000/1001 -i uc17xxxxxx_197001010000.BareStream -c copy -movflags +faststart myvideo.mp4replacing obviously uc17xxxxxx_197001010000.BareStream with your stream file name. |
Pierre DAC | Mon, 4 Apr 22 |
"- Il ne faut pas avoir peur des chevaux sous le capot mais de l'âne derrière le volant. - Belle mère à l'arrière, voyage en enfer. - Ce ne sont pas les enfants sur la banquette arrière qui font les accidents, mais bien les accidents sur la banquette arrière qui font des enfants. - Il ne faut pas boire au volant, il faut boire à la bouteille. - L'argent n'a pas d'odeur mais quand on n'en a pas, ça sent la merde. - Quand tu t'adresses à une femme, il faut un sujet, un verbe et un compliment. - Les femmes qui se vantent d'être courtisées par beaucoup d'hommes ne devraient pas oublier que les produits à bas prix attirent beaucoup de clients. - La cravate est un accessoire permettant d'indiquer la direction du cerveau de l’homme. - Les hommes sont comme des arbres : avec l'âge ils deviennent dur de la feuille et mou de la branche. - Si un homme ouvre la portière de sa voiture à sa femme, c'est que l'une des deux est neuve. - Pour les riches : des couilles en or. Pour les pauvres : des nouilles encore. - Le suppositoire est une invention qui restera dans les annales. - Un comprimé n'est pas forcément un imbécile récompensé. - Dites à quelqu'un qu'il y a 300 milliards d'étoiles dans l'univers et il vous croira. Dites lui que la peinture n'est pas sèche et il aura besoin de toucher pour en etre sûr. - Certains jouent aux échecs, d'autres les collectionnent. - Il n'a pas inventé la poudre, mais il n'était pas loin quand ça a pété." Pierre DAC, de son vrai nom André Isaac, est né en 1893 à Châlons-sur-Marne dans une famille modeste où le père était boucher. Son frère aîné meurt sur le front en 1915 et lui-même est blessé pendant les combats. A la sortie de la guerre, il vit de petits métiers et se produit comme chansonnier dans des cabarets. Dans les années 30 il crée des émissions de radio dont La Société des Loufoques qui connaît un réel succès. En 1938, il lance un hebdomadaire satirique L'Os à moelle, qu'il doit interrompre à cause de ses positions anti-allemandes.Pierre Dac parvient à rejoindre Londres et devient chroniqueur pour Radio Londres. Après la guerre, il reprend ses spectacles de chansonnier et forme un duo avec Francis Blanche devenu légendaire. Ils créent alors des feuilletons radiophoniques à grand succès comme Malheur aux barbus , Signé Furax ou encore Bons baisers de partout.Auteur d'un humour pince-sans-rire et de jeux de mots savoureux, il est l'inventeur entre autres du Schmilblick, et était surnommé le "roi des loufoques". Il meurt en 1975 à l'âge de 81 ans. |
Covid time: home control device | Wed, 4 Aug 21 |
See my new project done during last winter: a home control device with local touchscreen, HTTP remote control, analog and digital IO. Based on Raspberry Pi, Debian, and custom eletronics. |
Website get back! | Mon, 7 Jun 21 |
Website online again; was down since OVH Strasbourg datacenter fire. |
Aprire documenti firmati .p7m da Linux con openssl | Mon, 11 Jan 21 |
E' possibile utilizzare semplicemente openssl (in genere gia' presente in tutti gli ambienti GNU/Linux) per aprire i file certificati p7m.
Per ottenere il file originale dal p7m basta scrivere nella command line:openssl smime -decrypt -verify -inform DER -in $p7m_file -noverify -out $out_fileovviamente al posto di $p7m_file occorre inserire il nome del file .p7m, mentre al posto di $out_file va messo il nome del documento da ottenere. Tratto da: |
FreeBSD vs GNU/Linux | Mon, 13 Apr 20 |
Some high level points about why still choose FreeBSD in a server environment in 2020: (things had not changed too much). |
DJ0WH blog | Tue, 7 Apr 20 |
Very nice blog about MotoTRBO tips from Motorola EMEA support: |
Multilingual text to speech from google | Fri, 7 Feb 14 |
Use the text to speech software from Google Translate. Only one voice but multilingual and very easy.
Simply past in the browser this example:"Curse of the Pharaohs" Change "en" as preferred language ("it", "fr", "es", ...) and text to be read. Voice is promptly downloaded as MP3 file. |
"Sharing is a cultural right, not a market failure" | Thu, 13 Jun 13 |
Interesting article of Philippe Agrain entitled "Sharing is a cultural right, not a market failure" |
WiFi e locali pubblici in Italia | Sat, 16 Feb 13 |
Un interessante articolo su una domanda ufficiale del FIPE sulla liberalizzazione della connessione WiFi gratuita nei locali pubblici. In pratica i proprietari dei locali non sarebbero responsabili. |
Remotely PHP archive extract | Tue, 15 Jan 13 |
This thing has just saved my life, the world should know: to extract an archive from a remote web server without ssh access but only a web and php interface, you can use: kickstart!. Very useful for kickstart a web server from a zip file. |
ToS | Fri, 24 Aug 12 |
When you register to a website you don't really read the Term of Services? A really cool project, ToS;DR, helps everyone to immediately know about the use of you personal data and content. It's a collaborating project, so apply! |
Water cooling huge datacenter | Wed, 22 Aug 12 |
See the Facebook main datacenter cooling system in this article: the entire building is a water cooling system using outside air flowing from one side to the other.
Next step is building a datacenter in northern icy place, in Sweden. |
2011: animated GIF | Wed, 27 Apr 11 |
Believing that GIF was dead in modern times? This photographer makes hi-res images with little movement in it, tipical of old times GIF. Cool result. |
ATnT blocks linux users! | Wed, 15 Dec 10 |
The good old times of network indipendence and neutrality are everyday threatened from everywhere. Now this news that the main ISP AT&T is somewhat limiting home users to access internet from operating system different from MS Windows and Apple. Really GNU/Linux users are causing trouble to AT&T? is that a joke? And if you are using (i.e. myself) FreeBSD at home? Fortunately I don't have AT&T, but I find it unacceptable... |
Berners-Lee about net neutrality | Tue, 23 Nov 10 |
An interesting article of Tim Berners-Lee about the division of Web and Internet and the loosing of Web neutrality and open content, because of the growing of commercial "closed" web-like services.
Read it on Scientific American. If interested on the subject, NEXA organise at Turin the annual conference about Internet and society on sunday 27 november. |
I am alive and you are dead | Fri, 22 Oct 10 |
Here you can find an interesting article written by Philip Dick in 1978, about his ideas of science fiction. "I am alive and you are dead" |
GoogleCL | Mon, 21 Jun 10 |
A very useful Python script has been released to access all Google services using your command line: GoogleCL. Available as ports in FreeBSD. |
Mechatronics | Sat, 29 May 10 |
Start your mechatronic experience starting with this simple robot conceived by Jerome Demers. |
Android SDK for FreeBSD | Wed, 7 Apr 10 |
Interesting project about a porting of the Google Android development framework to FreeBSD 8.0: |
Frightening url shorter | Sun, 28 Mar 10 |
There're too many url shortener (,,,,, ...), but this one is really the best: shadyurl. It gives you a new url that seems suspicious or disturbing. |
Who needs multitouch anyway | Sun, 14 Feb 10 |
Seems that human ingenuity beats hi-tech iphone accessories: in South Korea some people begins using a meat sausage as stilus for their iphone. Dammit capacitive multi-touch screens! |
Play with matter and anti-matter | Sun, 14 Feb 10 |
The Large Hydron Collider blog report a simple drawing game from Feynman to easily explain particle physics. Let's draw anti-matter! |
Using strange classes | Thu, 4 Feb 10 |
Interesting article at RIPE.NET who decided to start to use IP addresses; but they enabled that class on some BGP routers and noticed a lot of pollution. We are really scraping the bottom of the barrel, seems it's time to pass to IPv6. |
Oracle ate Sun | Thu, 2 Feb 10 |
Apparently the future is the "Oracle SPARC Servers" and "Oracle open software solutions". And it's not a joke, it's www. |
Debian Squeeze = kFreeBSD? OMG! | Sun, 25 Oct 09 |
It is rumored that next release of Debian, codename Squeeze, will be based on the
Debian kFreeBSD project. That is, Debian distro built with standard GNU glibc but a FreeBSD kernel and modules. IMHO it was time the Linux people open their eyes and have a look at the FreeBSD way to keep things simple. As a FreeBSD user, I think the best would also to take the FreeBSD "world", also glibc and system V init are too much dispersive :D Original news here at itwire, Debian announce here. |
GNSS status | Thu, 15 Oct 09 |
Wanna know about constellation status? if some satellites are in maintenance or disabled? Here is available the complete status of GPS system. For GLONASS, the list is available here. Instead for GALILEO we have the second satellite in progress, so no status sheet available. Same with COMPASS/BEIDOU, where two satellites are up and not much info about. | | Mon, 5 Oct 09 |
I like this interesting page from the staff, shortly about the meanings and ways of opensource, and why multimedia technologies are close to the requirement of freeness like open standards, protocols and procedures. |
2009 would not be like '1984' - pt2 | Mon, 5 Oct 09 |
Again with the Kindle fact, the guy who have sued Amazon for having removed from his ebook reader an Orwell' book
have win a settlement. All I can said is prompting you to not buy DRM devices. |
802.11n | Tue, 15 Sep 09 |
On September the 11th the IEEE have ratified the 802.11n standard, an 802.11a/g/h improvement to reach high bandwidth.
Since the draft 2.0 of the purposed standard, some manufacturer like Marvell and Broadcom had already begun selling 802.11n chipsets, speaking of 300MBps. The explanation of this bandwidth is theorically something like this article. However, many things in real life goes differently: the coupling and multipath of the antennas from receiver to transmitter, the timings, the presence of many clients, ... I believe much more of a pratical testing article like this from tom's hardware, that shows a clearly improvement from the 802.11a/h, but a bandwidth of maximum 100Mbps and a range only a little improved. |
11463X | Mon, 21 Aug 09 |
Da oggi mi trovate fra questa gente, iscritto alla sezione A degli ing-inf :P |
2009 would not be like '1984' | Thu, 6 Aug 09 |
A month ago Amazon, who is selling ebooks with his reader platform Kindle, was found to remove wirelessly the copies of "1984" and "Animal Farm" from customer devices. The fact was reported on NYTimes. In detail the licensing company of the two Orwell' books doesn't really had those owning rights. So Amazon decided not only to remove the books from his store, but also from the already bought digital copies. About this question started a controversy, some thinks it's right, some it's bad. Personally I'm sure Amazon had done incorrectly, and already bought copies have had to be left untouched. A guy also lost his notes on the device: at least a paper book doesn't vanish! |
Firefox useless tip (rqdfzhpvi8) | Mon, 3 Aug 09 |
Writing "about:robots" in the address field of Firefox 3 shows a useless page to recall you the utility of robots. ...and they have a plan. |
Save old plastics from ugly yellow | Sun, 26 Jul 09 |
A common problem of old plastics is their changing of colour, especially the original white-beige becoming clearly an ugly yellow.
This phenomena, accelerated by the sun exposure, is really noticeable on old computers case. A chemist analyzed the problem and started the the Retrobright Project in the effort of saving old plastic from decadence. In facts the guilt is a chemical element, the bromine, that is added as a flame retardant: this component with UV light start a reaction and the plastic became more and more yellowish. For the safe of us all the guy found a cure, a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide, that you can make at home with some commercial available product: simply submerge the plastic in it and you give a chance to yous plastics to born again! |
++freebsd | Mon, 8 Jun 09 |
A nice trick, from Colin Percival, enable you to remotely replace a GNU/Linux system with FreeBSD. This script use the swap space of a running linux to write a FreeBSD ISO image and some executable stuff; after running the script, you reboot the linux machine and it starts as a FreeBSD one loaded into memory. You can then access the system via SSH and proceed with a classic installation. The script is called depenguinator 2.0 and the reference page is here. |
30 anni di spam | Sun, 7 Jun 09 |
Brad Templeton raccoglie una serie di interessanti documenti su quelle fastidiose email non richieste chiamate spam. Il primo "spammer" era probabilmente un impiegato della DEC, che decise di inviare un invito ad una presentazione a tutti gli indirizzi del mid-west su ARPANET. La storia completa e` qui. E` interessante leggere alcune osservazioni, per esempio quella di Stallman, che prima si lamenta di non averla ricevuta e poi cambia idea :P |
AdSense with pictures | Mon, 1 Jun 09 |
Google have accustomed us showing ads without colored banners of 90's era, but now it's over. Like many cyclic things, beginning with adsense link pages we have to tolerate image banners. |
Oracle eat Sun | Mon, 1 Jun 09 |
A month ago I've heard about Oracle to buy Sun.
At first I was surprised, I know about dramatically loss of sales in hardware section of Sun, but Sun led a lot of big software project. Clearly Oracle is interested in selling a complete database system, from hardware to database applications. The deal is not yet closed, but the future of a company that engineers good hardware (as it happened years ago with DEC) and a promoter of open-source software is unclear; and hearing not much details around let me pessimistic about the open-source projects... |
Google Maps shots | Sun, 25 Jan 09 |
Sometimes peoples worries, rightfully, about Google Maps in-life intrusion; recently in particular about Google Streetview; someone already invented the robots.txt 2.0 protocol. But what about the buyers and sellers at this open market in Africa, or those deers, and these sheeps! |
Hey, what's that? | Fri, 23 Jan 09 |
I propose this really interesting website: Despite his bizzare name, it's what I can define a panorama profile simulator. Making extensive use of Google Maps, it represent you the profile of earth-sky division for any place, and let you know if another place is visible or not. And you can also make the viceversa, from the profile know where the place is. |
100BaseT | Tue, 20 Jan 09 |
Siccome mi sono stufato di sentire e di leggere un po` ovunque diverse teorie sulla lunghezza massima di un cavo Ethernet 100BaseT, faccio un po` di chiarezza. Il 100Base-T (o meglio 100Base-TX Full-Duplex, questo si utilizza oggi) e` uno standard di interfaccia fisica (livello 1) per il collegamento di una rete Ethernet; esso e` definito sia a livello elettrico, sia fisico che protocollare nella seconda sezione dello standard IEEE 802.3-2005. Riporto da pagina 280: "Unlike half duplex CSMA/CD networks, the physical size of full duplex 100 Mb/s CSMA/CD networks is not limited by the round-trip collision propagation delay. Instead, the maximum link length between DTEs is limited only by the signal transmission characteristics of the specific cable, as specified in Table 295.", poiche' infatti essendo una coppia di fili per TX, ed una di RX, il mezzo non e` condiviso come sul Thick/Thin Ethernet oppure l'Half-Duplex. Si parla quindi di un massimo di 100 metri con cavo bilanciato ISO/IEC 11801 Classe D; questo standard ISO presuppone indifferentemente un UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) o STP (Shield Twisted Pair) Categoria 5, con un'attenuazione massima del 20%, per cui tipicamente, con poca interferenza, si richiede un 24AWG oppure 26AWG di diametro. Conclusione: non essendoci restrizioni protocollari, utilizzando un cavo bilanciato con attenuazioni piu` basse da quelle mimime richieste in verita` con il 100Base-TX FD si puo` fare piu` di 100 metri. Con le cautele:
PS: Anni fa` si parlava di massimo 90 metri. Questo dipende da un'approssimazione dovuta alla diatriba tra ISO/IEC e TIA/EIA: 300 piedi che sono 90 metri. C'e` chi parla anche di 100 metri srotolati, etc etc chi piu` ne ha piu` ne metta. |
Shoes... | Sat, 17 Jan 09 |
What a strange browsing path I followed, I've found this strange Ian's shoelace site. Here you will find every sort of lacing and knot techniques, but really *every* sort, with pictures, detailed howtos and comments. Very interesting the really fast "Ian Knot", but it's not very simple as it seems. |
Sci-fi papercraft! | Fri, 2 Jan 09 |
Last night I've found this astonishing papercraft website Maintained by a prolific Czech guy, the collection of science-fiction items that you can made yourself is really impressive, starting from every Aliens objects to Tron Light-Cicles, passing through Metroid, Robocop, Terminator and so on! I'm preparing a lot of paper and glue, but... uhmmm where I've put my old inkjet color printer?? |
The Open DVD | Thu, 16 Oct 08 |
Ieri e` uscito TheOpenDVD, ottima raccolta di software libero in italiano per un noto sistema operativo proprietario. La facolta` di utilizzo online e l'obbligo di diffusione di copie masterizzate ne fanno uno strumento formidabile non soltanto per l'utilizzatore medio-basso del PC. |
Esame di stato | Tue, 7 Oct 08 |
Ebbene si`, ho dato l'esame di stato, passato con ottimissimo risultato, ora sono un Dott. e Ing. completo :P |
Is it a good or bad news? | Mon, 6 Oct 08 |
MOCA 2008 | Thu, 28 Aug 08 |
Last weekend I was at the most important italian computer camp, the Metro Olografix CAmp. Some shots will follow. |
I was here | Sat, 9 Aug 08 |
I've took a 10 day cruise on board of the M/S Noordam "10 day Roman Empire". Really cool, the places was amazing, the ship and service simply perfect. Soon I will upload shots on Picasa. |
random picture from Picasa | Sun, 18 May 08 |
Simple code in PHP using his default XML Parser to extract a random picture from your Google Picasa public albums. It first randomly selects an album, and then a picture and present a thumbnail linked with the album.
See the code in the software project page |
Cameras... | Thu, 6 Mar 08 |
Wanna spend your in evening in viewing more or less public camera from internet? This keywords in google makes miracles :P inurl:control/userimage OR inurl:/view.shtml OR inurl:view/index.shtml OR inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml OR inurl:/app/idxas.html OR inurl:ViewerFrame OR inurl:axis-cgi OR inurl:sample/LvAppl OR inurl:liveapplet Enjoy! |
Laurea! | Wed, 16 Nov 07 |
Today is a good day: I've finally took my M.Sc. in computer science engineering - network applications! |
software antitrust | Mon, 17 Sep 07 |
A good news in antitrust process versus Microsoft: the european first instance court has fined the company for abusing its dominant position. However is that done primarily for a equal marketplace in Europe or for economical reasons? the doubt is evident considering the amount of near 5*10^8 euros... Read article at |
delorean | Sun, 29 Jul 07 |
La Delorean Motor Company ha finalmente deciso di reiniziare la produzione della mitica Delorean DMC-12, dopo 25 anni di sola vendita di ricambi per le 6k auto in giro. Il look e` fantasticamente squadrato e slanciato, le portiere grandiose, il motore... assetato :D Leggi la notizia completa su LATimes. |
daft punk a Torino | Sat, 14 Jul 07 |
Gioved sera sono stato al grandioso concerto dei Daft Punk presso il Torino Traffic Festival. Ottima organizzazione, ottimi come sempre i Daft Punk, non male anche gli Lcd Soundsystems che li introducevano. Innumerevoli sono i video dell'evento su |
IPhone | Wed, 4 Jul 07 |
E` in vendita l'Apple iPhone. Caratteristiche alla mano direi che non e` proprio da comprare, sara` anche stiloso ma pare dotato di tecnologia vecchia di due anni (e non basta a giustificare il prezzo). Dal mio canto restero` fedele alla serie Sony Ericsson P800/P900, sbavando sul futuro P1, la cui unica pecca e` l'odiosa tastiera. |
GPLv3 | Fri, 29 Jun 07 |
E` finalmente stato rilasciato il testo della nuova revisione 3 della GNU General Public License (ricordo che la versione 2 e` del 1991). Il sito di riferimento e` questo: Ed ecco il testo della licenza: |
ReacTable | Wed, 27 Jun 07 |
Ecco uno strumento davvero particolare: un tavolo rotondo illuminato su cui appoggiandoci cubetti opportuni si generano tutti le componenti musicali volute, il suo nome e` ReacTable.
...sara` lo strumento musicale elettronico del futuro? Tutti i video e le info sono disponibili sul sito ufficiale: (i cui video spiegano piu` di mille parole :P) |
Cinema | Sat, 16 Jun 07 |
Ieri ho visto il film Nirvana (1997) di Gabriele Salvadores. Consigliato, uno dei pochi film italiani (l'unico?) con sia una trama fantascientifica convincente che un'ottima ambientazione cyberpunk. |
Stallman e Profumo | Mon, 11 Jun 07 |
Stasera e` stata streammata in diretta da un'intervista tra Richard Stallman e il rettore del Politecnico di Torino Francesco Profumo. Il dibattito e` stato moderato dalla giornalista Anna Masera di La Stampa. Tra i temi toccati la ormai quasi definitiva GPL v3 e l'accordo tra Microsoft ed il Politecnico. Abbiamo quindi cenato con Stallman ed il suo thinkpad con cui come al solito rispondeva alle mail tra un piatto e l'altro :P Il filmato dell'intervista sara` disponibile appena possibile qui. Ecco alcune foto scattate durante l'evento. |
All contents, where applicable and except otherwise specified, are present under GPLv2 or GFDL licenses.
E. Richiardone (e AT richiardone DOT eu)
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