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"Sharing is a cultural right, not a market failure"Thu, 13 Jun 13
Interesting article of Philippe Agrain entitled "Sharing is a cultural right, not a market failure"
WiFi e locali pubblici in ItaliaSat, 16 Feb 13
Un interessante articolo su una domanda ufficiale del FIPE sulla liberalizzazione della connessione WiFi gratuita nei locali pubblici. In pratica i proprietari dei locali non sarebbero responsabili.
Remotely PHP archive extractTue, 15 Jan 13
This thing has just saved my life, the world should know: to extract an archive from a remote web server without ssh access but only a web and php interface, you can use: kickstart!.
Very useful for kickstart a web server from a zip file.
ToSFri, 24 Aug 12
When you register to a website you don't really read the Term of Services?
A really cool project, ToS;DR, helps everyone to immediately know about the use of you personal data and content. It's a collaborating project, so apply!
Water cooling huge datacenterWed, 22 Aug 12
See the Facebook main datacenter cooling system in this article: the entire building is a water cooling system using outside air flowing from one side to the other.
Next step is building a datacenter in northern icy place, in Sweden.
2011: animated GIFWed, 27 Apr 11
Believing that GIF was dead in modern times?
This photographer makes hi-res images with little movement in it, tipical of old times GIF. Cool result.
ATnT blocks linux users!Wed, 15 Dec 10
The good old times of network indipendence and neutrality are everyday threatened from everywhere. Now this news that the main ISP AT&T is somewhat limiting home users to access internet from operating system different from MS Windows and Apple.
Really GNU/Linux users are causing trouble to AT&T? is that a joke?
And if you are using (i.e. myself) FreeBSD at home?
Fortunately I don't have AT&T, but I find it unacceptable...
Berners-Lee about net neutralityTue, 23 Nov 10
An interesting article of Tim Berners-Lee about the division of Web and Internet and the loosing of Web neutrality and open content, because of the growing of commercial "closed" web-like services. Read it on Scientific American.
If interested on the subject, NEXA organise at Turin the annual conference about Internet and society on sunday 27 november.
I am alive and you are deadFri, 22 Oct 10
Here you can find an interesting article written by Philip Dick in 1978, about his ideas of science fiction.
"I am alive and you are dead"
GoogleCLMon, 21 Jun 10
A very useful Python script has been released to access all Google services using your command line: GoogleCL. Available as ports in FreeBSD.

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Emmanuel Roberto Richiardone (e AT richiardone DOT eu)

All contents, where applicable and except otherwise specified, are present under GPLv2 or GFDL licenses.
E. Richiardone (e AT richiardone DOT eu)

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